Friday, March 20, 2020

Charles law Essay Example

Charles law Essay Example Charles law Essay Charles law Essay QUAFFING and implies the cultivation of aquatic populations under controlled conditions. INARTICULATE refers to aquaculture practices in marine or salt water environments. 2. Detail description of main division in aquaculture and the respective subsection I) Inarticulate it) Fresh water culture Sea weed farming Bivalve farming (kerning,keeps) Fish and prawn farming (in cages) Ornamental fish rearing (in aquarium) Fish (tillage, keel) close to the shore Prawns (dang galahs) Ornamental fish (carp, Koki, goldfishes) 3. Brief discussion on modern tech of catching fish in Malaysia Modern methods (in the open seas): The modern methods are used by commercial fishermen who own medium size fishing vessels (trawlers) equipped with Vessel Monitoring System (VIM), as follows: use of satellite Global Positioning System (GAPS), sonar, fish finder depth finder. The vessel has freezer compartments to store caught fish for a long period of time. The fishermen may be at sea for 5-7 days on a trip. 4. Tigress of hardness of wood and examples of forest species in each categories. Hard wood egg: Belgian, Gilligan bat, congeal, areas, teak / Sati, mahogany Semi hard wood egg: Anatoly, segment, emeriti, kaput, kerning etc. Soft wood egg. Acacia managing Tropical forest SSP. Are mainly of Dipterous group which includes rat mat belled, Sati, segment, kaput, arras, mahogany, teak, congeal etc 5. Management of f orest for logging activities. Main products from forest trees. In the Forest trees may take 30-40 years before the trunk reach a certain diameter when they can be felled for timber. Forest trees are felled using chain saws and bulldozers. The logs are transported out to a collection centre and later taken out of the forest to the saw mills which process them into various timber products. Sometimes unprocessed logs are exported to various countries by barges. The products from forestry include: 1. Sawn timber: for making houses, furniture, wall paneling, posts etc. 2. Plywood: for partition/wall, furniture. 3. Pulp and paper (from soft wood SSP): for paper production (egg: Acacia managing) 6. List of tropical rain forest integrated with various types of recreational facilities. Well-known tropical rain forest sites with recreation facilities are: Atman Engage Bellum Forest Reserve FRI, Keeping, Sung Chocking, Lulu Lang, Clangor. Adman Valley, Saba Malibu Basin , Saba Mull National Park, Karakas. 7. Agronomist and its component The agro-tourism components are restricted to tourists visiting : 2. Crop-related projects. Agro-tourism components include: Diversity of crop SSP. Planted 1 . Agriculture O the agriculture practices adopted, some of which are related to: agro-forestry, ornamental plant nursery, mushroom farming, agric. Horticulture wows, floral fest, landscape competition etc. O rare or unique plant SSP. In their natural environments 8. Agro-tourism projects available in the country A few of these man-made projects are listed below. Baling River Echo-Resort, Saba FRI, Keeping, Clangor Atman Pertain Bucket Acacia Shah Lam, Clangor Saba Agriculture Park Atman Botanic, Atman Putts Operand, Atman Warns Pertain Pituitary etc. (Carr sender) 10. List ing of important contributions of agriculture industry to the Malaysian economy (Carr sending) 1 1 . Ascription of cattle rearing sys such as livestock-oil palm integration and the deed lot system FEEDLOT SYS In this system, the animals (cattle or goats) are placed in sheltered houses and the feeds and water are brought to them. The animals are kept and fattened in the shed for about 3-4 months after which they are sold. About 250 heads of cattle can be placed in one ha of land, but feed cost is high, a major constraint to some farmers Under the feed-lot system, the cattle (or goats) are fed with cattle feed (pellets), supplemented with silage or fresh grass. Other forms of feeds often used are:I -PACK ii -Rice bran iii-fresh cocoa pods INTEGRATION O For initial weed control: 400-500 heads of cattle are allowed to graze on a 40 ha lot, and the animals are moved to a new area daily. Electric fence is used to control the movement of animals. This mob grazing stops when weed growth is suppressed. O On continuous grazing (commercial rearing) in oil palm plantation, the average stocking rate is: one (1) animal/ha (on a good under- storey vegetation) or 1 animal per 2 ha if the vegetation under the oil palm canopy is poor. 2. Seaweeds and its commercial products Seaweed farming: In Saba, seaweed farming is promoted amongst

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Understanding Convectional Rainfall

Understanding Convectional Rainfall Convectional rainfall occurs when the energy of the sun (or insolation) heats the earth’s surface and causes water to evaporate changing to water vapor. This warm, moist air then rises, and as it rises, it cools. The air reaches a point called the condensation level where it has cooled to such an extent that the water vapor condenses and turns back to a liquid form. This process of condensation high in the atmosphere leads to the development of clouds. As the clouds continue to grow the weight of the water droplets can eventually lead to precipitation. (You can see the cycle in this diagram.) Convectional Storms Convectional storms occur in many areas of the world. They are at their most severe in parts of the tropics where there is a water source and intense heating. They are also common in warm mountain areas like the European Alps in the summer. This photograph shows the towering cloud developed by strong rising air currents. This convectional storm occurred near Sydney in 2002. There was heavy rain and hail. Hailstones develop when ice particles form in the cloud. The currents of air move the particles up and down in the cloud and as this happens additional layers of ice form around the nucleus. Eventually, the hailstones become  too heavy to be kept up, and they fall to the ground. This website has some useful photographs and video clips. Convectional storms  affect people’s lives in many ways. They can present various hazards to aircraft including turbulence and freezing at high altitudes. The following is based on an extreme weather summary for south Kansas in the USA. Source: Kansas 2006 The convective storm started when hail 5 to 10 cms diameter hit a number of rural counties. Between 6:00 and 7:00 pm, one of the super-cellular severe storms in Reno County unleashed its power and caused disastrous and tragic results. The storm produced 80-100 mph winds on its southern end which raked south and southeast Reno County. This storm then took aim at Cheney Lake and State Park. The damage at the state park was major, and included the marina, around 125 boats, 35 campers, and an unspecified number of mobile homes. One mobile home was leveled. Total damage estimated around 12.5 million dollars. Six people were injured, all of whom required transport to Wichita hospitals. One man was killed when his fishing boat was overturned. On June 30th, Southeast Kansas was hit by destructive winds and hail that reached the size of baseballs. The baseball-sized hail hit parts of Woodson County around 7:35 pm, causing around $415,000 damage to crops. As the evening progressed, the severe thunderstorms, continued to unleash 80-100 mph winds. Hardest hit was Neosho County. In Chanute, large trees were uprooted with many falling onto homes and businesses. Other homes and businesses were completely unroofed. Numerous barns and sheds were destroyed. The towns of Erie and St. Paul experienced nearly identical fates. In Erie, one home was destroyed. In St. Paul, a church steeple was completely removed. Obviously, many power lines and power poles were blown down, severing power to all three towns. This round of atmospheric mayhem was responsible for $2.873 million damage to crops and property. Another product of severe convection that drew considerable attention in 2005 was the flash flood. The first major event occurred June 8th and 9th from around 8:00 pm the evening of the 8th to the early afternoon of the 9th. Hardest hit were Butler, Harvey and Sedgwick counties. In Butler County, two families required rescues from their homes 4 miles north of Whitewater. Numerous streets were barricaded in and around El Dorado, and creeks overflowed. The most notable occurred 2 miles northeast of Elbing, where Henry Creek overflowed, closing 150th Street as well as the 150th Street Bridge. In Harvey County, widespread 12-15 inch rainfalls in approximately 10 hours resulted in evacuations in Newton, where most streets were barricaded. Perhaps the worst flooding in this event occurred in Sedgwick, where an estimated 147,515 acres of farmland were inundated totaling an estimated $1.5 million damage. In Sedgwick County, 19 homes were flooded, of which 12 were mobile homes which are particularly susceptible to storm damages. These homes were completely surrounded by flooding; which isolated their occupants from the outside world. In Mt. Hope, people required rescue from their homes. Many streets and highways were barricaded, especially across Northern Sedgwick County, where flash floods reached 6 foot depths. The flooding inundated around 75,000 acres of farmland. Total property damage was estimated at $150,000.    ACTIVITIES Study the article above. Summarize the impacts of the convectional storms in Kansas in a list.Produce an article on the Sydney hail storm in 1999. This could be done in Microsoft Word, Publisher, or PowerPoint.You can also download this lesson in PDF format here.